Parents looking to get a grip on the emotional chaos that is raising children might want to clear their Wednesdays. Morrison County is opening registrations for the Circle of Security Parenting Program, a relationship-based training dedicated to helping parents decode their child's emotional language. Designed as a venue for parents to understand and respond to their kid's emotional needs aptly, the program sets sail at Arrows Family Services in Little Falls, though if pandemonium at home means you can't step out, they've got you covered with virtual sessions via Teams Meetings.
The program, kicking off on March 20th and steering through May 8th, 2024, promises to be an anchor for parents swimming in the often stormy seas of child-rearing. In the blink of an eye, your Wednesday evenings could transform from zones of childhood chaos into harbors of emotional clarity — all from the comfort of your crash-laden computer, should you choose the virtual route. According to a flyer released by the Morrison County government, participants are invited "to understand your child's emotional world by learning to read emotional needs."
Additional information can be lured from the flyer floating around on the Morrison County website. It could just be the lifeline needed to navigate the turbulent waters of tantrums and tears. With childcare experts increasingly emphasizing the importance of emotional intelligence in the family unit, this opportunity could be a critical compass for those parenting in today's fast-paced, high-stress world.
For families set to embark on this journey, preparation is key. Juggling schedules to make room for this program might seem like herding cats, but given the chance at smoother sailing through the developmental squalls of early childhood, it could be worth the effort. The program's emphasis is to offer a safe deck for parents to learn best practices and strategies that can help mitigate the day-to-day tempests they face with their children.