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Published on February 16, 2024
Carlsbad Police to Conduct DUI Checkpoint, Location Secret Until Day OfSource: Flickr / DUI Bail Bonds Las Vegas

Carlsbad residents, mark your calendars and maybe reconsider that drink before you drive — there's a DUI checkpoint revving up for this Saturday. The Carlsbad Police Department plans to firmly plant its feet down on the gas pedal in the fight against impaired driving by conducting a DUI checkpoint on February 17 from 6 p.m. to 2 a.m. But don't go looking for the spot beforehand. They're keeping the location under wraps until the day of.

These checkpoints aren't just drawn out of a hat — they're placed where the data says the risk is highest. According to information obtained by the City of Carlsbad's official website, the aim is to reduce the impact of impaired drivers behind the wheel actively and to levy a sobering reminder of the dangers that come with a lapse in judgment. It's a stark warning to those who may still think driving after a few isn't a big deal.

We're not just talking booze here. It's not uncommon to underestimate the cocktail of prescription meds and over-the-counter drugs, which can also lead to impairment, a fact highlighted by *Lt. Alonso DeVelasco* in a statement on Carlsbad's website. And in California, where lighting up a joint is as legal as uncorking a bottle of red, the rules of the road remain clear: driving under the influence of marijuana is illegal.

It's not just your conscience you'll have to deal with if you're busted at this DUI stop. First-timers caught driving under the influence can expect to be slapped with an average of $13,500 in fines and penalties, not to mention the possibility of taking their driving privileges away. The financial hit and shame could be the beginning of a long road back to normalcy.

The checkpoints are not just powered by concerns for public safety but also by financial support—specifically a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. It's all hands on deck for the Carlsbad Police Department as they brace to make the roads safer for everyone.