Bay Area/ San Jose/ Crime & Emergencies
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Published on March 25, 2024
San Mateo Deputies Utilize High-Tech Tracking to Arrest Suspected Car Thief Near Highway 1Source: Google Street View

High-tech tracking leads to the swift collar for San Mateo deputies in a hot car chase. In a Sunday crackdown, lawmen from the San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office, armed with automated license plate reader technology, reclaimed a pilfered vehicle and slapped cuffs on the alleged car thief.

According to the San Mateo County Sheriff’s website, deputies received a lead on the pilfered ride, which was seen heading north on the scenic Highway 1 near Princeton after being swiped from Soquel. In true cat-and-mouse fashion, deputies swarmed the area to extensively search, finally catching sight of the stolen wheels cruising south, just north of the Tom Lantos Tunnels.

Deputies made their move, executing a smooth traffic stop ending with 23-year-old Jose N. Ramirez Lopez of Santa Cruz arrested without drama. The young man was later booked into the Maguire Correctional Facility, facing charges of possession of a stolen vehicle and driving with a suspended license due to a prior DUI conviction, per the San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office report.

In details provided by the official report, Ramirez Lopez is now staring down the barrel of charges, including 496D(A) PC – Possess stolen vehicle and 14601.2(A) VC – Driving with a suspense-filled license after a DUI conviction.