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Published on May 07, 2024
Boston Police Lace Up for Unity: Inaugural 'Perkins Community All-Star Basketball Games' Build Bonds with YouthSource: Boston Police Department

Boston's boys in blue swapped their patrol cars for sneakers and basketballs this past weekend as the Bureau of Community Engagement teamed up with the BCYF Perkins Center to launch the inaugural 'Perkins Community All-Star Basketball Games.' Officers hit the hardwood with local youth at the Reggie Lewis Center, in a spirited event organized by Youth in Crisis and funded by the Bradshaw Family Foundation, with an ambition to make it an annual slam dunk.

The festivities weren't just about keeping score. Participants of the event were treated to an All-Star Shirt, a trophy, and a fresh pair of New Balance sneakers, all intended to foster community bonds and, just possibly, to serve as a springboard for something greater. As reported by the Boston Police Department's website, "The youth played some great games, our officers met many new and existing friends, and everyone who took part was a winner!"

This event marks a forward step in community policing, showcasing an effort by law enforcement to build bridges through sport. The Reggie Lewis Center was transformed into a battleground where sportsmanship and camaraderie were the day’s champions. Kids and cops high-fived and huddled, illustrating the potential of unity through the universal language of basketball.

True to the form of any all-star event, the emphasis was squarely placed on the kids, highlighting their achievements both on and off the court. No scoreboards kept tally; instead, every participant left with more than just physical swag - they also left with the memory of a day where the city's guardians showed up to cheer not as enforcers, but as fans and allies. According to the Boston Police Department's site, "All of the participants received an All-Star Shirt, a trophy and a new pair of New Balance sneakers!"