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Published on May 26, 2024
Casa Grande Boosts Hispanic Heritage Month with Arts Funding for Local Non-ProfitsSource: Google Street View

In Casa Grande, the hunt for artistic expression is reshaping the local canvas, as the city's Arts & Cultural Commission announces its latest bid to energize cultural events. Non-Profit Organizations in the area are being summoned to seize their chance at some extra cash for projects during this year's Hispanic Heritage Month. Through a crisp, streamlined process, these groups can now apply for Partnership Funding, set to bolster arts programs between September 15 and October 15, 2024, promoting the Hispanic and Latino cultures.

The funding, which is all about celebrating artistic endeavors that resonate with the Hispanic community, was officially opened for applications back on May 7, per the notice from the city's top paper-pusher, Gloria Leija, MMC, the City Clerk. Drop a line to Evonne Aldana at (520) 421-8600, Ext. 1100 for the nitty-gritty, or if you're more digitally inclined, hit up the City's website for the deets.

Since the announcement, the commission has been banging the drum loud and clear, giving nonprofits a nudge through notices sent on May 20 and ads in the local rag on May 25 and June 1. With the commissions' ears perked up, they're ready to sift through the pile of applications set to cascade into their laps come July, aiming to distribute the funds by the ninth of the same month. It's an effort to juice up art projects that stitch together the area's rich tapestry of traditions and the vibrancy of Latino heritage, which—in these parts—is no small piece of the cultural quilt.

All this points to a savvy play by the Casa Grande city slickers looking to fan the flames of community engagement through the arts. A touch of funding can go a long way for local non-profits hungry for resources to make a splash during such a significant cultural celebration. After all, nothing screams "community" quite like a shared appreciation of art, music, and performance that dances to the rhythm of local history and identity.