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Published on May 25, 2024
ICE Officer Convicted of Attempting to Take Illicit Images on Dallas to Miami FlightSource: Unsplash/ Jan Rosolino

An officer from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) was convicted on charges of trying to capture illicit images of an airline flight attendant, the Department of Justice reported. Billy Olvera, 48, could face a maximum sentence of 20 years after being found guilty of interference with a flight crew.

During a Nov. 6, 2023, flight from Dallas to Miami, Olvera, who was on duty escorting a deportee, used his cellphone in an attempt to take unauthorized photos and film up a flight attendant’s skirt. The attendant spotted Olvera's suspicious activity as he held his phone in an unusual manner—pointed towards the ceiling—each time she walked down the aisle, according to CBS News Miami.

The incident was brought to light after a fellow flight attendant captured Olvera's actions on video. Upon being informed, the pilot altered the flight staff's duties and notified law enforcement who were waiting for Olvera upon the plane's arrival at Miami International Airport. Investigations following a federal search warrant revealed multiple images and videos on Olvera's cellphone, some of which were directed up the victim's skirt.

"Mr. Olvera is sincerely remorseful. Mr. Olvera deeply regrets his actions and prays for forgiveness from all those involved," his attorney, Robert Malove, told WSVN. Olvera, a Laredo, Texas, resident, currently on bond, is not planning to appeal the verdict. Questions about Olvera's continued employment status with ICE and any past misconduct records have not yet been addressed by immigration officials.

The sentencing hearing for Olvera is slotted for August 16th. While the charge carries a rather severe potential sentence, actual prison time may be less severe. Members of the flight crew and the victim's identities have not been disclosed.

Miami-Crime & Emergencies