Miami/ Weather & Environment
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Published on May 22, 2024
NBC6 and NWS Forecasts Balmy 90s and Brief Showers for Miami, Promising Sun-Drenched Memorial Day WeekendSource: Unsplash/ Lance Asper

Get ready for another hot day in Miami with temperatures nearing 90 degrees, offering little relief from the recent heatwave in South Florida. The National Weather Service reports a slight chance of showers and thunderstorms before folding in the possibility of clearer skies and calmer winds later in the day. In a dance of elements, humid air might conjure afternoon storms, with the NWS putting chances of precipitation at 30 percent.

Residents looking forward to the evening can expect partly cloudy skies with the thermostat dialing down to a balmy 78 degrees, while the breeze shifts subtly East, the NWS forecasts. These mild winds, a guardian against the scorching mid-90s, are a reminder that Miami's climate rarely bows to the simplicity of seasons, In contrast, NBC6 promises mostly rain-free conditions and a mere 10-20 percent likelihood of raindrops disrupting the week, leaving most of the area enjoying sunny expanses.

As Thursday approaches, the forecast from NWS suggests that sun worshippers will relish another predominantly luminous day, with the odds of rainfall hovering around the same modest figure. Friday follows suit with an expectation of bright skies and an isolated chance of a storm, the air's whisper becoming eastward at 5 to 10 mph according to NBC6, potentially condensing into a brief afternoon occurrence.

The outlook for the weekend is equally drenched in sunshine, but as the winds edge back toward the south and southeast, temperatures are tipped by NBC6 to nudge closer to the mid-90s, a notch up from today's highs near 89°. Those with outdoor plans for the Memorial Day weekend won't have to gamble much with the weather, as the odds of storms remain low, leaving plentiful room for sunshine to lay claim to the sky according to both NBC6 and NWS, forecasters are pointing to sunny skies ribboned with possible brief spells of rain, ensuring the holiday is celebrated under a generally clear canopy.

Details of the current weather conditions and forecasts are available at the National Weather Service's official website via and for a local touch, Miami's forecast can also be viewed at NBC6's site through

Miami-Weather & Environment