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Published on May 07, 2024
MIT's New Pied Piper of Peace: 'Sound-Suppressing Silk' to Hush Hustle and BustleSource: Unsplash/ ActionVance

In a quest to combat the relentless barrage of noise pollution, scientists from MIT and associated universities have cooked up a high-tech but surprisingly simple solution - sound-suppressing silk, create peaceful places where everyday noise can't disturb.

The tenacious team, which includes experts from various academies, has developed a silk so fine it's analogous to a human hair, albeit one infused with piezoelectric fibers that either emit counter-noise to nullify sound or stop vibrations dead in their tracks and can put the lid on noise up to 65 decibels, which is as loud as a hearty conversation, this is just the beginning according to the researchers who are tinkering with the tech to tackle multiple frequencies.

According to a MIT report, the leading name behind this innovation is Grace (Noel) Yang, who initiated the project as a means to turn the tables on traditional methods of soundproofing that rely on heavy materials and construction; instead, this fabric can be hung like a curtain or a lightweight partition, creating quiet zones even in typically noisy environments such as bustling offices or near a neighbor's nightly foosball tournaments.

Yoel Fink, also a cornerstone of the research, put it succinctly when he said, "Noise is a lot easier to create than quiet. In fact, to keep noise out we dedicate a lot of space to thick walls. [First author] Grace’s work provides a new mechanism for creating quiet spaces with a thin sheet of fabric," a testament to the ingenuity that could herald a new age of acoustic management, according to MIT News. The approach is two-pronged: part active noise cancellation akin to earbuds, part vibration suppression which functions somewhat like a sonic mirror, reflecting the racket away and working wonders in larger areas such as bedrooms and boardrooms alike.

One might wager that the future of serenity now lies threadbare - in this sheet of silk. The sound suppressor could be a game-changer. Grace's work with her diligent team offers not a mere drop in the ocean but a significant leap forward in acoustic engineering, offering newfound peace and quiet without the bulky barricades of yesteryear.

Boston-Science, Tech & Medicine