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Published on June 21, 2024
Hoosier Heatwave, Pornhub Hits Brakes in Indiana Amid Age Verification ShowdownSource: Unsplash/ franco alva

Beginning next week, Indiana residents will find themselves unable to access Pornhub, as the adult entertainment giant enforces a self-imposed blockade in response to forthcoming age verification laws. According to Axios, come June 27, the website will be off-limits ahead of the state's new legislation, which requires that all pornographic websites verify that their users are at least 18 years old.

Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita has defended the legislation, stating, "Would you be OK with a child, walking, physically walking, into an adult novelty store, where there’s magazines, videos, toys? No," Rokita told WISH-TV. He continued, "You'd at least, if it was questionable, ask for an ID, so why is it any different online?" Amidst concerns, Rokita assured that the law mandates porn sites to destroy any confidential user data.

The blockade of Pornhub isn't an isolated event; the company has announced a similar stance in Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, and Nebraska, adding to a list of states including Texas, Utah, Arkansas, Virginia, Montana, North Carolina, and Mississippi, where access was already restricted. As noted by Scripps News, the stance comes amid a wave of state laws targeting the protection of minors from what's been deemed as "harmful" online adult content. However, these laws have sparked a heated debate over privacy concerns and the balance between protecting children and infringing on adult freedoms.

Pornhub's parent company, Aylo, has not only expressed concerns about the verification process but also the potential for personal information breaches. "Any regulations that require hundreds of thousands of adult sites to collect significant amounts of highly sensitive personal information is putting user safety in jeopardy," Aylo stated, criticizing the voluminous data collection mandated by the law. Moreover, the company suggests that such measures could push users towards non-compliant sites or encourage other means to skirt the law, thereby undermining the intended protective effect.

While public discourse continues to pit individual privacy against collective safeguarding, repercussions for websites failing compliance are severe, encompassing substantial fines or criminal charges. These pressures, as reflected in Pornhub's preemptive exclusion from the Hoosier state, suggest a turning point, where digital barricades become as commonplace as the brick and mortar thresholds which have long regulated the consumption of adult content.