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Published on June 11, 2024
Phase 2 of Dude Fire Restoration Project Commences to Protect Arizona's Tonto National ForestSource: U.S. Department of Agriculture

Efforts to confront the wildfire crisis in the Tonto National Forest are intensifying as the second phase of the Dude Fire Restoration project commenced on June 5, as reported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. This new phase follows the completed first phase of the project, which treated 1,453 acres and is part of a broader strategy to restore the health of ponderosa pine ecosystems in the region.

The current efforts involve a collaboration between Tonto National Forest and state partners to restore 1,143 acres affected by wildfires. Contracted crews are tasked with the mastication of trees to diminish brush competition and enhance forest resilience. Mechanized equipment will grind down vegetation, especially near Mead and Long Ranches along Forest Road 29, to decrease tree densities, and in doing so, reduce forest fuels that exacerbate wildfires. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, "Without mechanical treatment, it is only a matter of time before the area is impacted by a stand replacement wildfire again, which would reset the area to conditions similar to 1990 after the Dude Fire."

Dee Hines, DFFM Operations Forester, Central District, underscored the importance of continued partnership and the project's focus in a statement saying, "The Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management is pleased to continue our partnership with the Tonto National Forest and SRP as we begin work on Phase 2 of the Dude Fire Restoration project." The project also aligns with the Four Forest Restoration Initiative (4FRI), reflecting the agency's larger 10-year strategy to confront the wildfire crisis by restoring fire-tolerant forest ecosystems across multiple national forests, reducing the potential for devastating wildfires.

Forecasts from Forest Service officials project that Phase 2 will be completed by December 2024, with the entire project stretching through 2026 to address a total of 7,600 acres. Detailed visuals and further information regarding Phase 2 of the Dude Fire Restoration project can be accessed via the Tonto National Forest's online Flickr page, as per the U.S. Department of Agriculture.