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Published on June 15, 2024
Rep. Ruben Gallego Opposes NDAA Over Amendment Limiting Military Abortion Access, Citing Political Performance IssuesSource: Wikipedia/

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In a significant deviation from his previous support, Rep. Ruben Gallego (AZ-03) stood against the House passage of the Fiscal Year 2025 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Gallego, a seasoned Marine Corps veteran and the Ranking Member of the Intelligence and Special Operations Subcommittee, voted against H.R. 8070 following the addition of contentious amendments by House members. Among the modifications sparking opposition was one limiting military service members' ability to access abortion services.

"The House Armed Services Committee initially advanced a strong NDAA, one that I backed with pride, woven with gains for Arizona," Gallego expressed in a statement on his official site. "However, this week witnessed the bill's transformation at the behest of political performance, introducing extreme amendments that I cannot endorse." Gallego's stance highlights a fracture in the supposed bipartisan effort that crafted the early draft of the bill.

The controversy at the core of the disagreement revolves around reproductive rights for service members. Gallego has positioned himself with the faction that views access to abortion as a foundational aspect of healthcare which, when restricted, unjustly targets military families. "I will not stand for attacks against service members and their families, which is why I voted against this extreme version of the bill," Gallego stated, aligning his vote with his expressed commitment to service member welfare.

Though the NDAA faces a turbulent road ahead, Gallego remains hopeful about the Conference Committee process, wherein adjustments could steer the bill back to a bipartisan equilibrium. “As a leader on the House Armed Services Committee, I look forward to a Conference Committee process that will produce a bipartisan NDAA which centers on what's important: the wellbeing of service members and their families, strengthening our allies, countering adversaries, and keeping Arizonans safe," he noted, underscoring the importance of strategic defense policies free from divisive partisan politics.