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Published on June 14, 2024
St. Louis Park's 'Fun Ballot' Event Invites Residents to Vote for Favorite Characters in Lighthearted Mock-ElectionSource: Facebook / City of St. Louis Park, Minnesota

St. Louis Park residents seeking a whimsical respite from the seriousness of election season can indulge in a mock election that's bringing a playful twist to the voting process. The local outreach initiative has announced a 'Fun Ballot' event, giving community members the chance to vote for their favorite characters from the worlds of Animation, Film, and Gaming. As reported on the city of St. Louis Park's Facebook page, this mock election encourages participants to familiarize themselves with actual ballot layouts while enjoying the light-hearted nature of the event.

The 'Fun Ballot' will showcase characters from established entertainment giants such as Disney and Nintendo, with everyone from children to adults welcomed to join in the fun. This initiative also serves as a colorful primer for those gearing up for the state primary election, as it mimics the structure of a real ballot. Votes for this unconventional election will be taking place at several community gatherings, including the Parktacular Expo on June 15 at Wolfe Park and the Roller Skating event on June 27 at the ROC.

A highlight of the election includes having the mock-votes cast during the Juneteenth Celebration on June 16, again at the ROC. This coming together of commemoration and civic simulation presents a unique opportunity for increasing engagement in a community's electoral processes, all while honoring a pivotal moment in history.

Curiosity about which fictional favorites will come out on top can be satisfied when the results are announced on July 16 on both the website and social media accounts. The organizers have promised to reveal the people's choice of animated, filmic, and gaming champions, providing a whimsical insight into the community's pop culture preferences. In the spirit of inclusive fun, the outreach team invites the public to cast their 'Fun Ballot' and partake in this jubilant take on democracy.