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Published on June 28, 2024
San Mateo County Supports Poultry and Dairy Workers with PPE Amid Bird Flu ConcernsSource:Bharat509, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

San Mateo County Health has proactively assisted workers on poultry and dairy farms in the face of the H5N1 bird flu scare. This effort is coordinated with a wider state program to equip these agricultural workers with the necessary personal protective equipment (PPE). With recent cases of H5N1 found amongst birds in the Bay Area and livestock across the nation, the health department is working to respond to protect those at potential risk quickly. Even though California has not reported any human or cattle cases, the county isn’t taking any chances.

According to the County Health website, they are prepared to distribute a one-time supply of PPE to various farms and organizations that serve individuals in the affected industries upon request. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has advised that dairy farmworkers and those who handle raw milk should be equipped with gear such as N95 masks, gloves, goggles, and face shields to prevent potential infection. 

Dairy and poultry operations and relevant community groups can secure a 30-day PPE supply by contacting County Health at the provided email address. With the July 9 deadline approaching, local entities must swiftly act to ensure the safety of their workers. This initiative underscores a larger health strategy to preemptively safeguard against potential outbreaks while adhering to CalOSHA standards, which dictate that the use of PPE remains voluntary without confirmed occupational exposures to H5N1.

CalOSHA regulations, however, demand that "respirators and other PPE must be provided and worn when employees work closely with animals or products that are known or suspected to be infected with H5N1," including any excretions or contaminated materials, per the County of San Mateo news report. This program is poised to provide immediate relief and time for facilities to acquire and disburse their protective gear supplies, as the received equipment can't be returned once distributed. For farms and worker organizations interested in ordering the PPE, details can be found by emailing County Health directly.