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Published on June 02, 2024
Surprise Veteran Takes On Epic 3,700-Mile Bike Race from Seattle to D.C. to Gift Bikes to Children in NeedSource: Unsplash/Brent Olson

Adam Kidd, a veteran with two decades of service in the U.S. Coast Guard, has found a new mission – all to support children in need. The Surprise local is gearing up to tackle the inaugural Great American Wheel Race, a grueling 3,700-mile cross-country bike event, which also doubles as a charity drive to provide bicycles to kids who need them most.

The race, set to knock off on June 9 from Seattle's iconic Space Needle and culminate at the Washington Monument in D.C., offers a considerable challenge. But it's one Kidd is eager to undertake, after logging an intense training regime with over 11,000 miles in the last year alone. "I'll take usually one day off every two weeks," Kidd revealed to FOX 10 Phoenix, a testament to his dedication. Since January, he’s already raked in 5,600 miles, all part of his training for this transcontinental test.

The Great American Wheel Race promises riders a scenic journey across the United States, coursing through a network of trails and roads with minimal vehicle traffic - an aspect that Kidd feels will change the viewpoint on the world outside. "It's just a totally different way to see the world," he told FOX 10 Phoenix. The route ties together the Great American Rail-Trails and other bike paths, providing a mix of gravel and pavement tailor-made for adventurers and philanthropists alike.

All the funds Kidd raises through this physical feat will go directly to purchasing bikes for kids via a New Leaf program, which supports families in crisis with emergency housing. Kidd plans to deliver the bikes right after he pedals to the finish line. “Every penny is going to it," he assured, planning to reward some less fortunate children with the joy of owning a bicycle. "Let them experience some of the stuff I got to experience, having a nice bike and getting out and stretching your legs not only keeps you active, but it's extremely enjoyable," he explained to FOX 10 Phoenix.

With his bike packed and his spirits high, Kidd is set to embark on a journey that will surely test his limits and simultaneously spread joy. Donations to support his cause can be made through his GoFundMe page, as he aims to dramatically better the lives of children with the simple pleasure of a bike ride. For full details on the Great American Wheel Race, check out the event's description here.