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Published on June 16, 2024
Tempe Police Intensifies Crackdown on Illegal Street Racing with "Operation Street Sweep"Source: Unsplash/ Michael Förtsch

The streets of Tempe are set to see continued efforts by law enforcement to curb the peril of illegal street racing. In a recent development, the Tempe Police Department, along with various Valley law enforcement agencies, is launching Operation Street Sweep to target this dangerous activity. As of June 14, a concerted clampdown is promised to make a significant dent in these risky nocturnal exploits.

With the gravity of the situation growing, Operation Street Sweep aims to directly respond to offenses that see participants often careening at speeds exceeding 85 mph, according to FOX10 Phoenix. Despite the operation being a short-term directive, spanning thirty days, it works to build upon the groundwork laid by the prior three-month-long Operation Silent Night which resulted in 277 arrests and led to directly confront the issue of unlawful racing.

The Deputy City Manager Greg Ruiz was quoted stating, “Street racing isn’t acceptable in our community. It’s not only deadly for those racing, but for the other people on our roads, whether they are driving, biking or walking,” in a sentiment that was echoed on both FOX10 Phoenix and ABC15. This statement underscores the wider consequences that street racing imposes on the public and shapes the impetus for continued and heightened police interventions.

Dangers are not hypothetical; in 2023, the illicit races were implicated in 50 collisions, out of which 24 were fatal, with 18 crashes having speed as a contributing factor. These stark numbers illustrate the human cost and the pressing need to aggressively pursue a crackdown. “As the Tempe Police chief, I am committed to addressing the issue of street racing and its associated crimes. We will take proactive measures, collaborate with local agencies and employ innovative strategies to effectively combat this dangerous activity,” Tempe Police Chief Kenneth McCoy told FOX10 Phoenix.

Operation Street Sweep comes as a continuation of authorities' resolve to establish safety and order on the streets. By putting the well-being of the community at the forefront of their mission, the Tempe police are sending a clear signal to those who choose to blatantly disregard the law and the safety of others.