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Published on July 01, 2024
Denton Police Supervisors Graduate from Elite Northwestern Leadership ProgramSource: City of Denton Police Department

In Denton, Texas, a group of seven police supervisors from the Denton Police Department have recently completed a rigorous training program, gaining new leadership and management insights. The intensive course, known as the School of Police Staff & Command, was held at Northwestern University and boasted these local graduates as its newest alumni, according to the City of Denton Police Department.

The completion of the program marks a stepping stone for these supervisors, who have been acknowledged for their commitment to law enforcement and community stewardship. The officers celebrated are Sgt. David Beckwith, Deputy Chief Derek Bradford, Sgt. Daryn Briggs, Sgt. Donnie Carr, Deputy Chief Bryan Cose, Lt. Elisa Howell, and Sgt. Jerrett Klar. The department hailed their dedication as a signifier of their unwavering resolve to serve and protect with adeptness and informed judgment.

The highlight of the ceremony was the honor bestowed upon Deputy Chief Derek Bradford, who was chosen by his peers for the Franklin M. Kreml Leadership Award. This award underscores the significant qualities that Bradford brought to the program and, by extension, to the Denton Police Department's leadership framework. Standout performances like these demonstrate the level of excellence that the program inspires in its participants.