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Published on July 01, 2024
Osceola County Proposes Stormwater Basin Funding Plan to Enhance Flood ProtectionSource: Visitor7, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

In a move aimed at addressing flood risks and improving public safety, Osceola County has rolled out a proposal for funding the maintenance of the NeoCity/Osceola Heritage Park (OHP) Stormwater Basin. According to a statement on the county's website, the planned ordinance would pin down areas that especially benefit from the basin and set up a system for collecting funds to keep the basin in shape. The county has followed legal protocol, releasing its Business Impact Estimate (BIE) in line with Section 125.66(3)(a), F.S., ensuring that it's available for public perusal ahead of the scheduled Public Hearing.

The proposed legislation goes beyond just identifying areas that receive particular benefits, it also incorporates the framework for imposing and administrating special assessments dedicated to the stormwater basin's upkeep. As explained by Osceola County, "The proposed Ordinance would provide identification of areas deriving special benefit from the maintenance of the NeoCity/Osceola Heritage Park (OHP) Stormwater Basin and authorize the imposition and collection of special assessments to fund the maintenance cost." It seems that beyond the clear-cut fiscal strategy, the county is setting its sights on a broader horizon – the safety and well-being of its residents.

Osceola's approach is twofold: first, the ordinance would solidify procedures for notifying affected parties, and second, it would lay out a clear process for adopting assessment rolls along with a method for rectifying any mistakes or oversights. This meticulous approach to governance mirrors the gravity of the matter at hand – the protection of the county's denizens and their estates from the destructiveness of flooding. The BIE—a critical document that examines the business impacts of the ordinance—is readily accessible on the county's site for those interested in the specifics of the proposed financial mechanism. It appears, then, that transparency is a guiding principle in this civic endeavor.

While the obvious intent of the ordinance is the conservation of stormwater infrastructure, the language of the document reflects a deeper concern for the "health, safety, welfare, and property of Osceola County residents and businesses”. Among the potential benefits cited is the reduction of flood risks, which not only affects property values but, more importantly, speaks to the intimate matter of the residents' sense of security in their homes and workplaces, as per Osceola County.

Orlando-Transportation & Infrastructure