Following an intensive investigation, Baltimore Police announced the arrest of 24-year-old Jamal Dunham in connection with an attempted murder in the Northern District. The incident, which took place on June 28, left a 29-year-old male victim critically wounded after a shooting occurred in the 3100 block of Swann Drive, as reported on a recent social media post by the Baltimore Police Department.
Northern District Attempted Murder Arrest
— Baltimore Police (@BaltimorePolice) August 7, 2024
On Aug. 5, 2024, at around 6:15 p.m., officers arrested 24-year-old Jamal Dunham of Baltimore in the 1800 block of Pennsylvania Avenue.
Detectives believe that Dunham shot a 29-year-old male on June 28, 2024, in the 3100 block of Swann…
On August 5, officers took Dunham into custody from the 1800 block of Pennsylvania Avenue, well over a month after the shooting. The police believe the suspect is the one responsible for the violent encounter that resulted in numerous life-threatening injuries to the young man.
Dunham now faces charges of attempted first-degree murder among others, as he was transported to the Central Booking Intake Facility following his arrest.