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Published on December 12, 2024
San Joaquin Supervisors Approve Purchase of Stockton Golf Course for Homeless ProjectSource: Google Street View

On Tuesday, San Joaquin County supervisors voted to purchase the closed Oakmoore Golf Course in Stockton for $9.6 million. The acquisition, approved by four of the five supervisors, could lead to the redevelopment of the site, potentially for a homeless safe camp project. The chairman was absent during the vote, as reported by KCRA.

"So, for the county to acquire 67 plus acres of land that can be utilized multi-purpose and with a forward vision. This is a great buy," said Supervisor Tom Patti. The county plans to develop the land, formerly a golf course, for services to assist people experiencing homelessness, though final decisions won’t be made until next year. Local business owners, including Tony Noceti, CEO of 99 Speedway, are concerned about the potential impact on security and the economy. Noceti said, "I bring approximately 300,000 people to Stockton, California with festivals, the dirt track and the 99 Speedway and I’m very concerned about it." There are also worries about crime, with resident Tom Cronin stating vehicle break-ins happen "every night," as stated by KCRA and ABC10

Supervisor Steve Ding is hopeful about the future of the Oakmoore Golf Course property, saying, "I don’t see this as a glass half full. I see this as an overflowing glass." He promised that any plans for the site will include public input. Meanwhile, local business owners and residents, including Noceti, are working together to make sure their concerns are heard. "All the neighbors, we’re rallying. We just got done with the meeting.... We’re getting our ducks in order," Noceti said, showing that the community is preparing to be involved in the decision-making process, according to ABC10