Bay Area/ San Francisco
Published on February 16, 2012
We See A Parklet in Your Future
Bikers, sitters, lend us your eyes: Hayes Valley's first parklet opened for business this past September in front of Arlequin Cafe, and an additional one is coming to a cafe near you! The second parklet, which has been in the works for quite some time, will be located outside Mercury Cafe (located at the corner of Page and Octavia).

Ideas that involve public space require ample amounts of time, money, more money and more time. The process can be long and costly. We talked with the folks at Arlequin who informed us that creating their parklet took a little over a year from beginning to end. Here's what we know about the process: the city requires permits and inspections that range from $1632 - $2224, and the parklets themselves can cost anywhere from $8,000 - $15,000 (not counting installation costs). Nick, the owner of Mercury Cafe, informed us that they've paid the permit costs and received approval for their parklet. The next step is raising the money for design and construction. Since allocating money for big projects like these can be difficult, in addition to day-to-day expenses, it could be awhile before we see this parklet become a reality. Mercury Cafe is trying to plan a fundraiser to speed the process along. We’ll let you know when that might take place. For more information about the history, current usage, or planned ideas for parklets in San Francisco, check out Pavement to Parks. And if you have any questions about the process, want to help out, or have ideas about fundraising, stop by and talk to the folks at Mercury Cafe.