A slew of improvements are coming to the N-Judah Muni line over the next year, starting on Monday.
That's when the Sunset Tunnel Trackway Improvement Project kicks off, beginning with signal improvements at Carl and Cole. Over nearly a month, the SFMTA will be working to install new traffic signal infrastructure at the intersection.
Crews will also be cutting a trench in the sidewalk on Carl Street between Cole and Stanyan, where they'll be laying conduits. These changes will allow Muni trains to have priority at the intersection key intersections along the N-Judah route. Similar upgrades will take place at eight other intersections over the next few months.
So, expect crews working from 8am to 5pm on weekdays at the site, with street parking unavailable and some noise coming from the project, but few other planned disruptions.
But wait, there's more!
The Sunset Tunnel track at Duboce Park (pictured above) is due for an upgrade as well.
With a tentative start date of September 20th, crews will be working to install new tracks for a smoother ride, improve the overhead wiring system, and structurally retrofit the tunnel portal retaining walls and their foundation.
The work is slated to span a whopping 15 weekends between September 2014 and May 2015. Bus shuttles will run in place of the N-Judah on these weekends.
We'll post an update in September when plans for the project firm up. For now, you'll want to start thinking of alternate ways to get to AT&T Park to watch the Giants win the World Series. Maybe?
Update 7/24: Reader Michael S. got clarification from the SFMTA about the work at Carl and Cole. Though language on the SFMTA website implies that Muni trains will receive priority at the intersection, it turns out that a detector being installed at Carl and Cole will relay information about approaching trains to a signal at a different intersection -- Carl and Stanyan. No traffic signal is actually being installed at Carl and Cole. Thanks Michael for the tip.