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Published on July 11, 2023
'Business Leader' Sebastian Guthery & His Kratom Company Nine2Five Guilty of Illegal Importation & Money LaunderingSource: | Guthery wears a shirt stating "Make Mistakes" in a video posted to his website which outlines connections to the kratom industry, et. al.

Sebastian Guthery, a self-described "business leader" and "entrepreneur," along with his company Nine2Five LLC, have recently pleaded guilty to felony charges in federal court with regards to the illegal importation of kratom, an opioid-like plant native to Southeast Asia, and subsequent money laundering stemming from the sales of the illegally imported product, as per a Department of Justice press release from the Southern District of California.

Guthery, an entrepreneur with a background in various industries like botanical sales, real estate development, and investment management, according to his LinkedIn profile, has had a significant role within the kratom industry. He is the owner of since 2004, which supplies kratom and other ethnobotanicals in bulk. His personal website outlines his alleged efforts in supporting and advocating for the ethnobotanical industry, specifically the use of kratom. However, the legal issues surrounding the importation and distribution of the controversial plant have now ensnared Guthery and his company, Nine2Five LLC.

In their guilty pleas, both Guthery and Nine2Five admitted to falsely declaring a shipment of 9,800 kg of kratom imported from Indonesia as "Flora Food Botanical Soil Conditioner" without reasonable cause to believe that it was true. Furthermore, Nine2Five wired $60,000 for the cost of purchasing, transporting, and importing kratom, a transaction constituting money laundering for criminally derived proceeds from the illegal importation.

Kratom, also known as Mitragyna speciosa, has gained notice for its narcotic and stimulant-like effects when ingested. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has voiced concerns about the serious health risks associated with its use, such as seizures, liver damage, addiction, and even death. As a result, the FDA issued Import Alert 54-15 back on February 28, 2014, directing inspectors to detain products suspected to contain kratom and deny their entry into the country. This Import Alert remains ongoing.

Despite previous claimed success in the ethnobotanical industry, and the foundation of Edens Ethnos in 2004, as stated on his personal website, Guthery's legal troubles highlight the controversial and potentially dangerous nature of kratom consumption and distribution. Legal consequences now loom for both Guthery and the company he operates, with sentencing for the defendants scheduled to take place on October 6, 2023.

Guthery's website and LinkedIn has many self-proclaimed successes ranging from the "Guthery Algorithm" which seems to be some sort of predictive stock algorithm to a myriad of philanthropic efforts. None of those have been independently verified by Hoodline.