Bay Area/ San Jose/ Community & Society
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Published on August 18, 2023
Trading Guns for Peace, Santa Clara's Firearm Relinquishment InitiativeSource: Google Street View

In the wake of ongoing debates and controversies surrounding gun control in the United States, the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office made a laudable decision: Starting Monday, August 21st, they will be launching a Firearm Relinquishment Program aimed at reducing the number of unwanted firearms in the community by inviting locals to drop off their weapons in exchange for gift cards, according to their Instagram.

Participants in the Firearm Relinquishment Program are entitled to receive gift cards worth $50 each in exchange for their firearms, with a maximum of five gift cards allowed per person. The Sheriff's Office has gone an extra mile to ensure that the process remains as hassle-free as possible for those looking to dispose of their unwanted weapons safely, securely, and anonymously if desired.

The procedures for turning in firearms are designed such that they prioritize safety and efficiency. Participants are advised to call the Sheriff's Office non-emergency number to notify dispatchers of their intent and receive guidance on where and how to relinquish their firearms for destruction. By streamlining the process, the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office upholds the goal of reinforcing public safety by reducing the number of guns on the street and encouraging responsible firearm ownership among community members.