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Published on October 12, 2023
City of Santa Clarita Launches Brew-tastic Spotlight Series to Showcase and Support Local BreweriesSource: Facebook/City of Santa Clarita Government

Tomorrow, the City of Santa Clarita, along with SCVTV, will unveil the second installment of their Shop Local series, "Santa Clarita Spotlight." The episode centers on the burgeoning craft beer industry in the city, spotlighting local breweries and their unique offerings. The episode is an extension of the Shop Local, Eat Local campaign, which seeks to support and honor local businesses for their range of products, as per the City of Santa Clarita Press Release.

Lucky Luke Brewing Company, Pocock Brewing Company, and Brewery Draconum are the primary features in this episode. These breweries provide an array of craft beers, fostering an enjoyable ambiance for the ongoing events and activities. The viewers are treated to an insider's view of the beer-crafting process, thereby revealing the uniqueness of each brewery's beverages and flavors, according to the City of Santa Clarita Press Release.

Following the press release, "Santa Clarita Spotlight" episodes will regularly be released on a quarterly basis. The episodes can be accessed on ThinkSantaClarita.com, the City's social media platforms, and SCVTV's social media networks: SCVTV.com, Spectrum Channel 20, AT&T U-Verse Channel 99, Roku App, and Apple TV.

The Shop Local, Eat Local campaign presents an innovative solution to the setbacks encountered by local businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Effects of the pandemic, including lockdowns and social distancing measures, had a significant financial impact on businesses. "Santa Clarita Spotlight" hopes to invigorate local establishments, including breweries and restaurants, by encouraging community patronage, thus aiding in their recovery and growth.

Local breweries like Lucky Luke Brewing Company, Pocock Brewing Company, and Brewery Draconum, have been providing the Santa Clarita residents quality beverages, a lively atmosphere, and round-the-calendar events. With the launch of the "Santa Clarita Spotlight" series, these businesses aim to amplify their connections with their communities and draw in new customers who are excited about experiencing the variety of local flavors.