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Published on February 12, 2024
Long Beach Police Amp Up Super Bowl Patrols, Urge Fans to Draft Sober Driving PlaysSource: Long Beach Police Department (CA)

The Long Beach Police Department is beefing up patrols for Super Bowl LVIII, in a bid to tackle impaired driving head-on. As fans rev up their game-day celebrations, the LBPD is running an offense to intercept those driving under the influence of intoxicants. According to a statement obtained by the City of Long Beach's own communications division, the police put an urgent plea to the public to have a "Go Safely" game plan if alcohol or drugs are part of their festivity playbook.

On the game day, February 11, officers were on the lookout for anyone who might be driving while impaired by alcohol or drugs. "Let's make sure Super Bowl Sunday is remembered for great plays on the field, not for unnecessary risks on the road," Motors Detail Lieutenant Jose Flores reminded revelers, stressing the importance of designating a sober driver ahead of the big game. This move aligns with the LBPD's commitment to ensuring safety and reducing vehicular incidents related to substance use. The department's initiative encourages everyone to "choose a sober way to go," proving that safe transportation can indeed be a win-win situation.

It's not just alcohol that's under scrutiny - the LBPD warns football enthusiasts that marijuana, prescription drugs, and even over-the-counter medications can have an impairing effect on their driving. They're urged to get informed and be braced for how various drugs could sabotage their capacity to operate a vehicle safely. Long Beach's stance is a reminder that impairment can come from many substances, not just the traditional beers and cocktails associated with sporting revelry.

Support for this safety campaign is not coming out of the taxpayer's pocket directly. Instead, it's fueled by grant money piped in from the California Office of Traffic Safety, via the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. This financial backing emphasizes the seriousness with which law enforcement and safety agencies are taking the risks of drug and alcohol impairment on the roads – especially during high-profile events like the Super Bowl. Fans interested in learning more about the initiative can huddle up at the police department's press release for a full rundown of the game plan.