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Published on April 17, 2024
New Recreational Fire Regulations Set for Eden Prairie Backyards to Promote Safety and NeighborlinessSource: City of Eden Prairie

Eden Prairie residents gearing up for a cozy backyard blaze have a new set of ground rules to follow, per official guidelines published by the city. With the intention to promote safety and neighborly courtesy, the city council has established a specific set of requirements for those wishing to indulge in the simple pleasure of a recreational fire. To keep the flames in check, the fire’s size is capped at a manageable 3-by-3 feet and must maintain a distance of at least 25 feet from any structures, which includes homes, sheds, decks, or fences.

City officials also mandate that these fires must be constantly attended while alight, and as a precaution, a means to extinguish them should always be within arm's reach, the need for vigilance underscores respect for the power and unpredictability of open flames, and only wood that is a minimum 1-inch diameter is allowed to fuel these fires—no junk, no trash, no yard waste. Revelers can light up their fires as early as 7 a.m., but all must be extinguished by midnight, these stipulations ideally balance the joy of gathering around a warm fire against the responsibilities of being a good neighbor and ensuring that the night does not end in disaster.

The desire to ignite a recreational fire is also at the mercy of the weather—specifically, wind speeds must be less than 15 miles per hour to proceed. This limits the chance of embers traveling beyond the confines of the hearth and sparking unintended blazes, as stated on the city's official website. Additionally, the Eden Prairie fire or police officer on duty retains the authority to withdraw permission for a fire if deemed necessary. These checks put into place offer a reminder of the communal aspect of living within city limits, where one's actions invariably ripple out, touching the lives and properties of others.

Eden Prairie’s official guidelines for recreational fires, which double as a permit for residents, are available for perusal and serve as a legal requirement for those seeking to warm their hands by a fire on their property. Residents who are considerate of these rules can look forward to safely basking in the glow of their fires, provided they keep in mind the safety protocols and courtesy expected by the community, this arrangement reflects a trust in the individual's sense of responsibility and at the same time, acknowledges the role of community mechanisms to safeguard the wellbeing of all.