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Published on April 18, 2024
Sherburne County Rolls Out Household Hazardous Waste Collection Events for Eco-Safe DisposalSource: Unsplash/John Cameron

Sherburne County residents looking to ditch their household hazmat without causing an eco-snafu are in luck. The county announced a series of Household Hazardous Waste Collection Events, set to take place from now until late September. These eco-conscious initiatives give locals the chance to dispose of the kind of stuff that shouldn't end up in a landfill — think paint, batteries, and that old gas can rust in the back of the garage.

The schedule is already up and running for anyone interested to see where and when they can drop their hazardous home waste. According to the county's announcement, these events are about keeping neighborhoods safe and clean. One look at the detailed schedule provides specifics on the types of materials accepted and which are a big no-no. No surprise, explosives, and radioactive materials still won’t make the cut.

Why this matters shouldn't be understated. It's about more than just freeing up garage space — proper disposal of hazardous waste is crucial for preventing potential contamination of our waterways and soil. It's a small but significant gesture for the health of our environment and the well-being of the community.

Those in Sherburne ready to purge their homes of these toxins can find the full schedule with locations and times by visiting the aforementioned county URL. It's the first step on a journey to a cleaner, safer home environment, which, let’s be honest, is good for everyone. Residents should remember, however, that proof of county residency is required, meaning that a driver's license or utility bill should be on hand.