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Published on May 07, 2024
Clayton County's Roshanna Johnson Shares Commitment to Community in #Claytonconnected SeriesSource: Unsplash/ John Cameron

In a recent showcase of public service dedication, Roshanna Johnson, an employee at Clayton County's Office of Communications, opened up about her connection to the community she serves. Johnson, responsible for maintaining the lifelines of local government conversation, expressed her reasons for choosing a career within the fabric of Clayton County. In a statement made public through the county's news outlet, Johnson reveals her motivations are deeply rooted in a sense of communal commitment.

"I am #Claytonconnected because I love Clayton County, and, I understand the importance of being connected to the community and the citizens we serve," Johnson said, her words reflecting a profound appreciation for her role and its impact.

Johnson's words, captured in an interview on the Clayton County official website, not only underscore her dedication but also highlight the county's initiative to celebrate its employees. The #Claytonconnected series aims to shed light on the personal stories and motivations of those who contribute to the functioning of local governance, adding a human face to the often faceless bureaucratic processes.

By placing the spotlight on individuals like Johnson, Clayton County endeavors to reinforce the strength of its community through transparency and relatability. "I chose to work in Clayton County because I wanted to make a difference in the community that I serve," Johnson shared, her career choice is a testament to the adage that local government is only as effective as the people behind it.