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Published on June 17, 2024
Apple Valley Welcomes Summer with New City Ordinances to Promote Safe and Tidy NeighborhoodsSource: Apple Valley

With the arrival of summer in Apple Valley, residents are gearing up for lawn care, landscaping projects, and outdoor activities, and the city has issued a series of ordinances aimed at ensuring everyone can enjoy the warmer months while keeping the town safe and tidy.

The city reminds locals via its website that yard waste has its proper place and can be disposed of at numerous designated locations throughout Dakota County, a list of which is readily available for those seeking it. This is alongside the gentle nudge reminding citizens that grass lawns should not reach lengths beyond 8 inches and that maintaining a semblance of order is not just an aesthetic demand but a shared responsibility. Moreover, while dandelions might pepper lawns, they avoid the scorn of being labeled noxious weeds by mere ordinance, sparing them from the usual fate of such flora. Details on the identification and control of truly undesirable weeds can be found here.

Residents should be mindful of the city’s watering restrictions, which are in effect from May 1st through September 30th, prohibiting lawn watering during the peak sun hours between 11:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M., although there is an exception for those nurturing new sod, seeded areas, or indulging in the delicate art of hand-watering. Furthermore, Apple Valley takes the visibility at intersections quite seriously, so any landscaping should be planned accordingly and all equipment kept clear from streets and sidewalks to avoid creating potential hazards.

Parking etiquette is a simple but essential aspect of community life—the ordinances stress keeping right-of-way areas obstruction-free, which means no vehicles blocking sidewalks, and ensure that curbside offerings are reserved strictly for designated trash collection days. Bagsters and similar flexible dumpsters find a temporary home behind the curb within the town but must be removed within a fortnight, which is a small concession for such a convenient solution to refuse storage issues, providing they meet the guidelines of being placed 15 feet from fire hydrants and not obstructing sidewalks, the city-states. Visible address numbers round out the list of ordinances, serving the critical function of aiding emergency responders when seconds count.

As summer starts, locals are encouraged by the city to uphold these ordinances, playing their part in keeping Apple Valley an appealing and secure community to live, work, and play. Should residents have any questions or concerns about these guidelines, they're urged to reach out to Code Enforcement at 952.953.2571, or by email at [email protected].