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Published on June 13, 2024
Brooklyn Park Heats Up with Summer Events, Free World's Largest Swimming Lesson, Jazz in July, and Inclusive Programming for All AgesSource: Unsplash / Tubagus Andri Maulana

As Brooklyn Park preheats for a summer chock-full of community engagement and, let's be real, some genuine old-fashioned fun, the city's Recreation and Parks Department is rolling out the green carpet for both young and the young at heart. From thwarting porch pirates with savvy home security to the folksy allure of a Summer Hoedown, there's a quirky blend of activities warming up on the back burner—proof that Brooklyn Park is cooking up something for pretty much everyone. And in what seems to be a nod to timeless treats and traditions, a pit stop at Toby's in Hinckley for some goodies—albeit not included in the tour price—is part of the agenda for the Duluth Vista Cruise, according to the city's announcement.

With an apparent commitment to pushing the envelope on inclusive programming, Brooklyn Park doesn't play favorites. "Did you know we have fee assistance and scholarships available?" echoes the department’s announcement, dipping a toe into the pool of need-based subsidies. These financial boosts can slash participation fees by up to a cool 75% depending on income and household size, making it a pinch easier for residents to sign up for, say, Adaptive Rec Fridays, which provides pickleball and basketball to participants with a range of physical abilities. Hemmed into this jam-packed simplifier of a sentence are the facts that these sports wheelchairs are on hand courtesy of the empowerment-driven folks at Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute’s Sports & Recreation Department. Time to give them a tip of the hat.

However, there's an undeniably bigger splash brewing with the World's Largest Swimming Lesson. This free event—yes, you heard that right—is part of an audacious global push to paddle past the scourge of drowning statistics. Set for June 20, this high-impact safety sortie is taught by terra firma supporters of the vital need to render every kid afloat and adept in the water. And not just any kids, all kids over the age of six. Kicking off at the Brooklyn Center Community Pool, it's all hands on deck, or rather, all bodies in the pool, to save lives—one stroke at a time. Swimmers-to-be can register for the splashy event here.

Shifting gears to Brooklyn Park's melodious side, the borough will be infused with the harmonious strain of saxophones and trumpets come July. The Celebrate Brooklyn Park: Jazz in July event aims to dish out an auditory feast fit for all—no costly tickets, no fancy attire, just good vibes and groovy jazz. The showstopper of the lineup is the Good News Big Band, ready to envelop your senses at 8 p.m. and have you contemplating if you've somehow teleported to New Orleans or a speakeasy from the Roaring Twenties. Make sure your feet are primed for tapping, and you can RSVP to the event here—suitably informed by the rhythms of times past but hitting all the right contemporary notes.

While the smorgasbord of activities serves up something akin to a buffet for the soul, Brooklyn Park plays a long game in community development, aiming to sculpt bodies and minds through youth mentorship programs, educational camps, and fitness classes that are basically an all-out assault on summer boredom and the perils of inactivity. Youth sports, Adaptive Art Classes, and even Cricut classes stand as a testament to the city’s relentless pursuit to offer residents variety. And hey, between you and me, a few hours spent mastering a Cricut machine could just lead to a side hustle. Just saying. Check out the classes here and remember—Brooklyn Park's cunning plan is to get you hooked on healthy, productive fun. Don't say I didn't warn you.