Minneapolis/ Crime & Emergencies
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Published on June 10, 2024
Brooklyn Park PD Apprehends Suspected Shooter After Strategic Vehicle Disabling ManeuverSource: Facebook/Brooklyn Park, MN - Police Department

In a recent police pursuit, Brooklyn Park PD officers successfully apprehended a suspect from a prior shooting incident. According to a report, a detective within the Brooklyn Park Police Department identified the suspect while on patrol, who was a passenger in a vehicle.

Upon spotting the individual in question, the detective coordinated with other units to conduct a traffic stop. However, when officers attempted to initiate the stop the vehicle's driver attempted to escape. Officers performed a Precision Immobilization Technique (PIT) maneuver, which quickly resulted in the disablement of the suspect's vehicle, and brought the situation under control.

All individuals in the car were detained without any additional incidents, and multiple firearms were recovered from the scene. This action represents the department's ongoing efforts to address gun violence and bring suspects involved in shooting cases to justice.

It is yet to be announced whether the driver or other occupants of the vehicle are facing any charges, as related to the pursuit or possession of the confiscated firearms. The Brooklyn Park PD has not released further details about the identities of the individuals arrested following the incident, however, they assured the public that there is no immediate threat to the community in the wake of the arrest.