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Published on June 15, 2024
Chelsea Fire Department Extinguishes Third-Floor Blaze, Ensures Safe Evacuation of ResidentsSource: Google Street View

Chelsea residents faced an alarming situation as firefighters scrambled to put out a significant fire in a local residential building on Friday evening. According to a report by WHDH, the blaze started on Marlboro Street at around 5:30 p.m., with the Chelsea Fire Department responding posthaste to the scene. In a display of precision and urgency, crews were dispatched up to the third floor, where the fire was said to have originated.

Remarkably, everyone inside the building was evacuated safely, and the Chelsea Fire Department reported no injuries in the fray. Fire Chief John Quatieri, in a statement obtained by WHDH, outlined the measures taken to contain the inferno: "The fire did spread from one room to about two additional rooms and into the roof area, but the deputy chief on scene struck a second alarm. We got some more help in here, we were able to get the fire under control." However, amidst the chaos, officials indicated they are still searching for a few pets, shedding light on the often unnoticed victims of domestic calamities.

Simultaneously tackling the flames and seeking to protect those within its walls, firefighters were confronted with a daunting spectacle as they arrived to find flames shooting from a third-floor window, as reported by Boston 25 News. The occupants of the six-family residence were ushered out to safety, thanks to the determined efforts of the first responders. All told, the most severe damage was largely confined to the top floor's left side, according to Chelsea Fire's assessment.

While the immediate threat has been allayed, the cause of the fire remains a matter subject to ongoing investigation. The community, bound by a shared relief over the absence of personal injury, holds a breath for the missing pets. Yet finds solace in the firefighters' swift and effectual response. For more detailed information on this incident, visit the original reports by WHDH and Boston 25 News.