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Published on June 04, 2024
Scott Stafford to Lead Outdoor Qigong at Cleary Lake Visitor CenterSource: Scott County Minnesota

Scott Stafford is holding an Outdoor Qigong session at Cleary Lake Visitor Center. Scheduled on June 16 from 10:00 A.M. to 11:30 A.M., attendees can engage in the ancient Chinese practice known for aligning breath, movement, and awareness for exercise, healing, and meditation. According to Scott County's announcement, Stafford, a guest teaching artist, guides participants through seated and standing sequences derived from tai chi and qigong forms.

The class aims to quiet the mind and ease the body, encouraging balance and well-being. As per the announcement, "Together, we will move in nature and with nature." Modifications will be available, making the movements adaptable for all levels and abilities. Potential attendees are not required to register, though doing so is suggested for receiving pre-program communication regarding potential weather changes and cancellations.

This Outdoor Qigong is open to anyone aged 18 and over, looking to explore the practice in the lush settings of Cleary Lake Park. Participants should come prepared with a yoga mat or towel for the seated exercises. Scott Stafford's class offers a unique opportunity for people to disconnect from their fast-paced lives and rediscover a sense of peace through harmonizing with the natural world around them.

Information and registration details can be found on Scott County's website for individuals intrigued by the prospect of enhancing their physical and mental health outdoors.