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Published on June 15, 2024
Find Serenity by the Water with Lakeside Qigong at Spring Lake Regional ParkSource: Scott County Minnesota

For those seeking a tranquil escape that aligns with the gentle ebb and flow of nature, look no further than Lakeside Qigong at Spring Lake Regional Park. Slated for June 28 from 6 to 7:30 P.M., this event invites participants to immerse themselves in a practice where the breath and movement coalesce with the serene backdrop of the lakefront. As reported by Scott County, individuals 18 and over can expect a session that is both nurturing and restorative.

Under the expert guidance of Scott Stafford, a guest teaching artist, attendees will explore a range of techniques designed to soothe the mind and ease the body. With an array of seated and standing sequences derived from tai chi and qigong forms, Stafford promises an experience that fosters overall well-being and balance. For those worrying about their experience level or physical capabilities, rest assured, that the movements taught are adaptable to all.

There's a compelling call here for community and connection—not just to each other, but to the very environment that surrounds us. "Together, we will move in nature and with nature," states the Scott County announcement. This approach not only underscores the harmonious philosophy of qigong but also champions the park's commitment to fostering spaces where health and community intersect.

Importantly, while the program is free, securing a spot is essential as reservations are required. Prospective participants are advised to call 763-559-6700 to avoid being turned away on the day of the event.