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Published on June 11, 2024
Lawrenceville Arts Commission Invites Artists to Design New Mural Near Georgia Gwinnett CollegeSource: City of Lawrenceville

The Lawrenceville Arts Commission is keen on transforming a sizable wall near Georgia Gwinnett College into a canvas for creativity, launching an open call for artists to design a new community mural. This mural project is tailor-made for both the up-and-coming and the seasoned artist eager to imprint their creativity on Lawrenceville's evolving artistic landscape, and the commission is sweetening the pot by integrating a community paint-by-numbers section for local aspiring painters of all ages to get in on the action, the open call which began June 10, will culminate on July 26, at 11:59 pm, as per an announcement that hit the City of Lawrenceville website yesterday.

The commission is looking for a mural that's a visual sedative, abstract and organic in design, as detailed on City of Lawrenceville official website—it should be something that can enamor any passerby regardless of age without being a distraction to drivers, or a billboard for any political and social messaging, the wall presenting its unique challenge and canvas to the artist is stretched at a towering height that varies from 12 feet to an imposing 20 feet, all while running a length of nearly a football field at 295 feet long.

Chair of the Lawrenceville Arts Commission Aura-Leigh Sanders expressed her delight in a statement on the website: "This is a fantastic opportunity to showcase your creativity, collaborate with local residents, and contribute to Lawrenceville's blooming arts scene." Artists who step up to the plate will not only have their work publicly acclaimed but will also receive monetary compensation, although they're expected to present a robust portfolio and be available to visit the site if they hit the finalist jackpot, as per the City of Lawrenceville.

Lawrenceville isn't a stranger to the unity that public art fosters—it has witnessed the creation of masterpieces like the 'Lawrenceville Blooms' mural, where around 60 residents came together to bring Teresa Abboud's vision of vivid florals and intricate designs to life, and they're hoping to replicate this camaraderie on a grander scale with their latest endeavor; submission guidelines for the keen artist looking to seize this chance can be found on the City of Lawrenceville webpage where they should head to to throw their hat in the ring.

The blossoming arts scene in City of Lawrenceville has been punctuated by such community-driven projects, with the previous mural 'Beautiful Day' by Leah Abucayan, reminding residents that, indeed, every day is resplendent in their city. With the Arts Commission comprised of members Aura-Leigh Sanders, Chair; Amber Walden, Vice Chair; Alicia Chitwood; Alice Stone-Collins; Casey Spinks; and Jennifer Hammond, it's palpable that the mural project is in capable hands, set to further the narrative of a city that cherishes and uplifts its art and its artists.