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Published on June 17, 2024
Marietta Hotel Guests Displaced After Rapid Response to Metro Extended Stay FireSource: Google Street View

An unsettling wake-up call rattled guests at the Metro Extended Stay Hotel in Marietta on Saturday morning, as a fire erupted causing the displacement of dozens of individuals. According to FOX 5 Atlanta, emergency calls came flooding in at about 10:30 a.m. on Freys Gin Road, clamoring for action as smoke veiled the sky.

The conflagration, carving its presence through five rooms, also left its watery mark on an extra 30 to 40 rooms, reported by the Marietta Fire Department, the smoke and flames witnessed billowing from the third floor on the hotel's rear side had activated the swift containment efforts, the blaze was subdued within 20 minutes after crews arrived, yet as of 1 p.m., fire officials acknowledged their grapple with lingering hotspots. "I was about to get ready to lay back down, and I heard a loud pop noise and immediately after that, I heard the alarms go off, the fire alarms go off. Then, I ran outside to see what was going on, and sure enough, the building was in flames," Marla Reed recounted to FOX 5 Atlanta, providing a testament to the shock and urgency that unfolded amongst the imminent threat.

Meanwhile, the Red Cross sprinted into action, their mission to anchor the dislodged individuals with support, while the hotel shutters its doors in the interim, this according to details provided by both FOX 5 Atlanta and 11Alive. With no harm befalling any person and the flame-riddled hotel now temporarily sealed from patron entry, the Red Cross's involvement underscores the communal banding together in the face of calamity.

The genesis of the inferno remains enshrouded in mystery, the Marietta Fire Department confirmed that investigators are still unraveling the cause of the fire; complementary reports from 11Alive revealed that the Cobb County Fire Department joined forces in addressing the blaze, showcasing a unity of purpose among local emergency services. As the probe into the fire's origins persists, the immediate aftermath leaves the taut thread of community resilience; thirty displaced residents and a shuttered establishment amidst an enquiry that might kindle both awareness and regret for the transience of security.