Minneapolis/ Community & Society
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Published on June 16, 2024
Minneapolis Mourns Fallen Hero Officer Jamal Mitchell Amid Police Contract Talks and Juneteenth CelebrationsSource: City of Minneapolis

In a display of mourning and community solidarity, Minneapolis said farewell to one of its own, Officer Jamal Mitchell, hailed as the hero the city needed. According to the Ward 11 Newsletter, the solemn event brought forth calls to honor his legacy through acts of service and kindness. In conjunction with this, police associations are channeling efforts into the Benevolent Fund, aiming to provide financial support for Officer Mitchell’s bereaved family.

Simultaneously, the city is on the brink of potentially cementing a new labor deal with the Police Officers Federation of Minneapolis (POFM). This tentative contract, which includes an unprecedented hike in police pay and notable reforms, could catapult Minneapolis officers among the best-compensated in Minnesota by 2025. The proposal, however, isn't a sealed deal yet, as public hearings and a critical City Council vote are slated for late June. If the Council turns it down, back to the mediation table it goes.

As the city moves through these weighty discussions, the spirit of Juneteenth is soon to envelop the community, a reflective moment marking the end of an era where human bondage was the law of the American land. Minneapolis is prepped to celebrate this historic milestone on June 19, as shared in the Ward 11 Newsletter, with a roster of cultural events designed to appreciate and amplify Black heritage.

Concurrent with these cultural observances, Minneapolis is nurturing its blueprint for a safer city through public engagement on the new South Minneapolis Community Safety Center at 2633 Minnehaha Ave. After a series of consultations, the residents have spoken, shortlisting mental health resources, homelessness support, along with youth and affordable housing services among their top needs. This feedback is a compass guiding the future offerings at the new center, projected to open its doors in the Spring/Summer of 2025.

Further bolstering the fabric of Minneapolis living, the city, in partnership with Hennepin County, is ushering in the summer with a vibrant bouquet of public events. Outdoor cinephiles and concert-goers, unabashed animal lovers looking to adopt, and citizens seeking to safely discard hazardous waste can all find solace in the seasonal programs described in the Ward 11 Newsletter. These initiatives are rooted in community engagement and welfare and reflect Minneapolis’s commitment to fostering connectedness and environmental responsibility.