Bay Area/ San Jose/ Crime & Emergencies
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Published on June 18, 2024
San Jose Police Arrest Suspect for Hit-and-Run During Violent Sideshow, Search for More Perpetrators ContinuesSource: San Jose Police Department

San Jose police have swiftly taken action after a violent sideshow incident over the weekend, with 24-year-old Aidan Rheault arrested less than 48 hours after the event. Accused of hitting a bystander with his car while engaging in the sideshow, Rheault faces felony charges for hit-and-run and reckless driving. Despite this quick apprehension, authorities are still on the hunt for other individuals connected to the assault on an officer and the vandalism of a police cruiser, according to the San Jose Police Department.

During the chaos, a video circulated online showed attendees attacking a San Jose Police Department cruiser while a reserve officer attempted to aid the person struck by Rheault's vehicle, details KTVU's Henry K. Lee. Acting Chief Paul Joseph, in a fervent statement, branded the mob's behavior as "unacceptable" and "deplorable" emphasizing that the city will not stand for such disorder and lawlessness. The department is not only determined but also committed to bringing all involved to justice, which resounds the gravity of the city's stance against such acts.

Furthermore, the assault left the responding officer with minor injuries and inflicted considerable damage upon the patrol car, the San Jose Police Department reported. The violent crowd dispersed before additional police units could arrive to secure the scene and assist the aforementioned reserve officer, hindered from helping an injured spectator by the unruly crowd. Dispatch received the initial calls around 6:55 PM, citing sideshow activities occurring across the city, with one burgeoning in a densely populated neighborhood of west San Jose.

Acting Chief Joseph assured the public that exhaustive efforts are being made to identify and arrest those who participated in the disturbing acts and promised collaboration with the District Attorney's Office to prosecute these suspects fully. This commitment to justice and order further manifests the San Jose Police Department's intent to address public safety concerns head-on and restore peace within the community after the scandalous eruptive incident, which disrupted the city's calm and posed threats to safety and law enforcement personnel.