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Published on June 13, 2024
SeaWorld San Diego Celebrates World Sea Turtle Day with Educational and Fun ActivitiesSource: Brocken Inaglory, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Let's dive into a sea of knowledge this weekend as SeaWorld San Diego shells out a tribute to sea turtles in recognition of World Sea Turtle Day. From Friday through Sunday, the park is offering an ocean of interactive experiences, learning opportunities, and a special giveaway, all dedicated to these ancient mariners of the marine world.

According to Patch, visitors can start their day with Aquarist Q&A sessions and witness turtle feeds at 10:45 a.m. in the Turtle Reef Gallery, and at 12:45 p.m. at the North Turtle Pond. These activities aim to educate guests, about the turtles’ habitat and dietary habits. Additionally, for those who fancy a bit of quirky entertainment, the park's turtle dive team is scheduled to play games like rock, paper, scissors at 1:30 p.m., because why not?

For anyone looking to freeze-frame their memories, the mascot Arthur C Turtle will be posing for snapshots in front of the Discoveries Gift Shop. In a stroke of promotional genius or just a kind gesture – you decide – SeaWorld is also dishing out free turtle plush toys with any purchase at Reef Gifts, while the supplies paddle away.

Now, if your idea of a good time includes rounding off the day with some themed treats, you're in luck. As SeaWorld’s website states, turtle-shaped concha desserts will be available at various restaurants within the park throughout the weekend, a nod to these shelled creatures that are as sweet as it is cleverly thematic. Beyond the festivities and plush toys, SeaWorld invites visitors to Turtle Reef, an immersive exhibit where guests can journey through the life cycle of sea turtles – from nesting to the treacherous trek to the sea – and learn about the myriad threats they face in the wild, including, but not limited to entanglement, pollution, and habitat destruction.

The Turtlelink, a touch-screen map also available at the exhibit, highlights SeaWorld's rescue and conservation efforts, mapping out where these gentle reptiles are being helped around the globe. It’s an interactive approach to showing just how pivotal conservation work is, in the broader scope of marine life preservation. And don't forget, a race for survival comes to life in the game Race for the Beach – an educational video game at the park that has participants simulate the sea turtles' dash from sand to sea, dodging the highs and lows of natural and human-made obstacles.