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Published on July 02, 2024
California Grants $56 Million to Aid Transitioning Youth and Combat Homelessness in 52 CountiesSource: Andre m, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

In a move to directly combat youth homelessness, the State of California is showering 52 counties with housing grants, specifically tailoring support for those transitioning from the foster care system and probation. Governor Gavin Newsom has declared the awarding of these funds as a lifeline for California's vulnerable young adults heading into adulthood.

"These grants are critical for helping to connect some of the most vulnerable Californians with access to housing. Many of these young adults don’t have the support of friends or family that most of us take for granted," Newsom stated, acknowledging the significance of the state's gesture. Backing this initiative, the Transitional Age Youth (TAY) programs, launched in 2020 and managed by the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD), are set to further expand their reach with this new injection of $56 million.

California's commitment to its youth is reflected in the number of lives touched by the TAY programs—more than 5,700 since 2020. With this new round of funding, the number is set to top 8,000. The HCD sees this as an opportunity to provide not just a bed but a toolbox for life to these young adults. Services rendered include housing support, job and education assistance, and financial literacy training.

The need for these services is urgent and real. "Housing stability is the most basic foundation every young person needs to be able to build a better future,” said HCD Director Gustavo Velasquez. Based on HCD reports, program beneficiaries include those experiencing homelessness, current and former foster care or probation system youth, or those identifying as LGBTQIA+. The TAY programs are designed to not only keep these individuals off the streets but to also to empower them with the skills necessary to thrive.

Furthermore, the HCD's Family Homelessness Challenge (FHC) Grant program is tackling homelessness among families with young children. More than $15 million in grants will support initiatives in eight communities, aiming to drive innovation and expand scalable solutions to this pressing issue. The cities of Livermore, Los Angeles, Oakland, and Salinas, along with the counties of Mendocino, Santa Clara, as well as Pasadena CoC and Sacramento City & County CoC, find themselves on the receiving end of this much-needed aid. For detailed information on these programs, interested parties can visit the TAY Program webpage and the FHC program webpage.

Contact for more details is available via Pablo Espinoza, the Deputy Director of Communications for HCD Media at [email protected]. Today's announcement is a clear indication of California's posture, not as a mere purveyor of shelter but as a builder of futures for its at-risk youth.