San Antonio/ Crime & Emergencies
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Published on July 01, 2024
San Antonio Mother Charged with Child Endangerment After Kids Found in Hot CarSource: Bexar County Sheriff's Office

In a distressing incident reported by the San Antonio Police Department, Angela Garza-Amador faces serious charges after allegedly leaving her three young children unattended in a turned-off vehicle for nearly an hour; the saga unfolded in a parking lot along U.S. Highway 281, as local temperatures soared into the high 90s. KSAT detailed that the children, ages one month to four years, were eventually rescued by authorities and taken to a hospital with expectations of a full recovery from their ordeal.

The troubling scenario came to light shortly before 2 p.m. on a blistering Friday afternoon, a Good Samaritan alerted the police about the children who were helplessly locked inside the stifling vehicle, a one-month-old infant and toddlers two and four years old clung to safety as the minutes ticked by, the inside of the car quickly becoming an oven in the relentless Texas heat. According to FOX San Antonio, Garza-Amador claimed she lost track of time while shopping, a miscalculation with potentially grave consequences.

The San Antonio Police have since taken Garza-Amador into custody, and she faces three counts of child endangerment following the near-tragic event.