New footage has emerged detailing the events leading up to and during a fatal shooting outside a South Beach nightclub, which resulted in the death of a bouncer. The surveillance video, captured on May 12, showcases the disarray that preceded the killing of 31-year-old bouncer Marley William Lester Case, outside Exchange Miami nightclub.
The confrontation began after Dvonn Reaux, 28, was forcefully removed from the club for trying to fight and security staff and other patrons, as was reported by WSVN. Following the ejection, a scuffle spilled out onto Washington Avenue, which the newly released video obtained exclusively by WSVN shows. Police detained a shirtless Reaux, who had squared up to fight, and later wrangled him on a median. Despite his detainment, he was not arrested but complained about leaving property inside the club.
Within an hour, Reaux returned, confronted Case, and allegedly opened fire in close range. "It looks like an execution," stated Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Mindy S. Glazer during a May 15 bond court hearing, according to WSVN. Despite efforts from first responders, who were shown in the video arriving rapidly to the scene, Case's injuries proved fatal.
Another angle of the incident was offered by Local10, which released video footage of the shooting itself. In this video, an assailant—later identified by police as Reaux—can be seen walking up to Case and shooting him multiple times. The loss of Case was deeply felt, as Carlos Maza, Case’s teacher and mentor, described him saying, "There was an aura around him, this peace, this smile, there was always this smile," in a Local10 interview. Maza further reflected on the impact Case had and would have continued to have on the lives of those around him.
Reaux was arrested less than 24 hours after the incident and remains in custody at the Turner Guilford Knight Correctional Center awaiting trial, scheduled for September 23. Surveillance evidence and images from the arrest warrant hint at a chilling series of events that culminated in the unnecessary loss of a father and valued community member.