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Published on August 03, 2024
Pima County Issues Ozone Advisory for Tucson Area, Residents Urged to Take PrecautionsSource: Unsplash/Roberto Sorin

The Pima County Department of Environmental Quality (PDEQ) has issued an Ozone Action Day for the Tucson metropolitan area, alerting residents of the risks posed by elevated levels of ground-level ozone. The advisory, which affects particularly sensitive groups, was announced to help people take precautions against exposure to harmful air pollutants.

According to a report by the PDEQ, those with heightened sensitivity to ozone – including children, outdoor enthusiasts, individuals with respiratory diseases, and people with an unusual susceptibility to this type of air pollution – are advised to limit outdoor exertion between noon and sunset. During these hours, ozone pollution peaks, and strenuous physical activities can exacerbate its entry into the lungs, leading to symptoms like shortness of breath and throat irritation.

The advisory also offers guidance on how residents can contribute to reducing the production of ground-level ozone. Recommendations include combining errands into a single car trip, using public transportation, and avoiding the use of gas-powered lawn equipment. Further measures such as refueling vehicles after dark and conserving electricity are suggested to limit the release of emissions that contribute to ozone formation.

Ground-level ozone forms from a chemical reaction between oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOC) in the presence of sunlight and heat. Vehicle exhausts, industrial emissions, and natural sources are among the primary contributors to these pollutants, warns the PDEQ. Part of the solution includes simplistic acts, like not idling car engines and ensuring tight sealing of gas caps after refueling.

Real-time air pollution levels can be accessed via the PDEQ's network of 16 air quality monitoring stations. For those interested in staying informed on Air Pollution Action Days, a sign-up option is available on the PDEQ website as part of their Clean Air Program, which endeavors to educate residents on air pollution and its health impacts while promoting actionable steps towards cleaner air.