In a recent turn of events, Jeremy Dewitte, a 44-year-old man with a history of criminal impersonation, has been sentenced to nearly seven years by an Osceola County jury for failing to register his vehicle as required by sex offender registration laws. According to the Office of the State Attorney for the Ninth Judicial Circuit, the conviction was for Sex Offender Failure to Register (Motor Vehicle Information), a violation stemming from Dewitte's purchase of a new vehicle without notifying law enforcement.
Authorities were alerted to the violation, eyeing a black Dodge Charger in Dewitte's driveway while arriving to serve an arrest warrant for a probation violation. The vehicle was unregistered with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE), an incredibly stringent requirement for convicted sex offenders. Dewitte's probation officer confirmed the car belonged to him. It was purchased on October 10, 2022, but it slid through legal protocol cracks by not being properly registered.
During the trial, Dewitte's defense contested his awareness of his obligation to register the vehicle. They claimed a lack of knowledge about the requirement, which was undercut by evidence that Dewitte had initially registered the vehicle as a multi-colored car, albeit under a different color description. This defensive stance was problematic given the law's clear mandate that requires all vehicle modifications, including a color change, to be reported to the FDLE within 48 hours, an action Dewitte neglected to fulfill.
Dewitte's sentencing surpassed the maximum statutory penalty of five years, reflecting his extensive criminal history, which includes 12 convictions of dishonesty. These include multiple instances of impersonating a police officer, which undoubtedly colored the judge's decision to impose a steeper sentence of nearly seven years.