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Published on January 24, 2025
Montgomery County Extends Grace Period for Compliance with Updated Building and Safety CodesSource: Montgomery County, MD Government

The Montgomery County Department of Permitting Services (DPS), has extended a grace period to its residents, allowing them to comply with the 2021 code adoption until March 30. These updates to the building codes came into effect back in December and were made following the Montgomery County Council's nod to bolster safety and energy efficiency in structures. A DPS press release provided details on the grace period as well as the code revisions. The new regulations will be in full swing starting March 31.

Building and construction within Montgomery County will adhere to a host of enhancements including the 2021 editions from both the International Code Council (ICC) and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). Some of the key codes being integrated into this update comprise the International Energy Conservation Code, International Residential Code, and NFPA 101 Life Safety Code, among others. DPS is charged with the enforcement of building codes throughout the county, save for Gaithersburg and Rockville, which manage their own permitting processes.

Notable changes within the new codes as listed by DPS include requirements for fire suppression systems in all new public parking garages, precautions for pedestrian safety around construction zones, and amendments that necessitate the use of specialized software for modeling building energy use. As County Executive Marc Elrich remarked in a statement obtained by the Montgomery County press release, "These code updates are important when it comes to making sure the County stays current with the latest codes designed to make our buildings safer and more energy efficient," Elrich highlighted the county's commitment to achieving the goals outlined in their Climate Action Plan.

To ensure that applicants are up to speed on the changes, DPS is planning to host virtual workshops in February and March. These workshops will be aimed at clarifying the new code requirements and provide a platform for addressing inquiries. Further information on these sessions will be made available on the DPS website. Residents and professionals seeking assistance can also reach out to DPS, through their listed phone numbers or by visiting their offices located at 2425 Reedie Drive, 7th Floor, in Wheaton, which are open weekdays without an appointment necessary.

DPS Director Rabbiah Sabbakhan, stressed the significance of the building and fire codes, as "a set of nationally recognized rules and regulations with local amendments that specify the minimum standards to ensure the safety of the public, the structures themselves, and the environment." These periodic updates, occurring on a three-year cycle, are instrumental for DPS staff in their ongoing work to promote the design, construction, and maintenance of safe and resilient structures within Montgomery County communities.