Oviedo drivers note that West Mitchell Hammock Road will be shedding its usual traffic streams for the bustle of maintenance crews. Starting tomorrow, those of you who cruise the evening roads will need to watch for a lane closure that'll be in effect from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m., during which utility maintenance will be performed. The City of Oviedo announced this closure on its official website. It will impact the outer lane stretching from Vickie Ct to Norm Ave, specifically at S. Lake Jessup Ave.
The work promises to be completed in a single night and will necessitate a detour. Traffic signs will be posted to guide vehicles safely around the work zone. Local authorities are urging those who must travel through this West Mitchell Hammock Road segment during these hours to proceed with extra caution and patience.
So, plan your late-night errands accordingly, Oviedo. Expect a slight detour on West Mitchell Hammock Road this Wednesday, whether it's a late shift ending, a midnight snack run, or just your regular drive home.