Plans for the San Francisco Giants to develop a 2.8 million-square-foot parcel at Mission Rock near AT&T Park moved forward yesterday after the Planning Commission voted unanimously to support the project.
Next, the Port Commission and the Board of Supervisors will weigh in at future meetings.
"Today marks a very important milestone in our journey to transform this neighborhood," said Jack Bair, executive vice president and general counsel for the Giants, at the meeting.
"It [has become] increasingly clear that this land was not destined to be a parking lot forever."

In the planning phases since 2007, the project could bring between 1,000 to 1,600 new housing units, eight acres of public open space, and up to 975,000 square feet of retail and office space. Forty percent of the new housing units will be earmarked as below market-rate.
Sea level rise resiliency and adaptation features are also included in the development plans, as well as the rehabilitation of Pier 48.
With the demolition of the current parking lot at Seawall Lot 337, the plan also includes building at least one new parking garage, comprising 1.1 million square feet of space, which will accommodate up to 3,000 cars.
Staci Slaughter, a spokesperson for the Giants, told the San Francisco Business Times that roughly half of Giants fans drive and park nearby the ballpark during home games.

Voters approved Proposition B in November 2015, which allowed the Giants to increase building heights from 90 feet to 240 feet on a portion of the 28.1 acre site.
The state also passed legislation to "allow 75-year lease terms, amend trust use restrictions, and authorize lease revenue funding" at Seawall Lot 337, which the Port maintains.
Opposition to the development project has been minimal over the years. In 2016, the Sierra Club and neighborhood organizations raised concerns over environmental impact, obstruction of waterfront views and traffic congestion.
"There is a very good feeling about this project and there is a reason for it," said former San Francisco Mayor Art Agnos at the hearing. "Because the people of San Francisco had the most to do with it. And look what the people of San Francisco have brought to the commission: the best project that this city—in my opinion—has ever seen."
Slaughter estimates the development could break ground in early 2019.