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Published on June 24, 2020
Top Denver news: Marqeta selects metro Denver for 2nd HQ; data shows coronavirus spreading; morePhoto: Henry Desro/Unsplash

Missed the most recent top news in Denver? Read on for everything you need to know.

Marqeta, global card-issuing platform, picks metro Denver as second headquarters

Marqeta, a global modern card-issuing platform, has chosen the Denver area out of 17 other sites to open its second headquarters.

Read the full story on

COVID-19 hospitalizations by Denver neighborhood: widening spread

The latest data shows a greater spread of the virus.

Read the full story on DenverWestword.

Denver OKs communal dining area on 16th Street Mall

Hard Rock Cafe, Lime and 5280 Burger are participating in the communal dining area on Glenarm Patio.

Read the full story on 9NEWS.

Empty Colorado Convention Center field hospital wants more money

This money will not be spent if the field hospital never opens up, according to one Denver city councilman.

Read the full story on 9NEWS.

Live music returns to Denver this weekend as the Oriental Theater reopens for concerts

Denver’s historic Oriental Theater plans to resume live concerts on June 26 with a series that shrinks audiences to no more than 50 people.

Read the full story on The Know .

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