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Published on August 17, 2023
Twelve Palo Alto Schools Stricken by Moldy Food Scandal, Outcry for Reform in School NutritionCDC on Unsplash

Recently, over a dozen elementary schools in the Palo Alto area have found themselves at the center of a food safety scandal, with several students reportedly falling ill after consuming moldy lunches. This episode has raised concerns about the Palo Alto Unified School District's commitment to ensuring the health and well-being of its young students, prompting demands for transparency and reform in the district's food safety and quality control procedures. According to an article by Palo Alto Online, roughly three students reported stomach aches after eating a spaghetti lunch containing spoiled bell peppers and burned pasta on August 14th.

Following the investigations, the school district has taken steps to address the issue, with Child Nutrition Administrator Alva Spence stating in an August 15th message to families, "The district is conducting a comprehensive evaluation of our refrigeration equipment and quality control procedures, prompted by reports of a possible equipment malfunction."

The school district discovered that the root cause of the spoiled food was a refrigerator fan accidentally being covered by a baking sheet, leading to the bell peppers becoming spoiled. Subsequently, containers used to keep the food warm may have been set to high heat levels, resulting in the pasta getting burned. Since then, the district has disposed of other food stored in the same refrigerator, inspected the food service warming boxes, and checked the refrigerator thermostats. Nutrition staff have now been instructed to routinely ensure that refrigerator fans are not covered and that warming containers are set to correct temperatures.

Although some may view this as a one-time mistake, the incident has left many parents concerned and questioning the district's commitment to student safety. In a quote obtained by Palo Alto Online, one worried parent shared their thoughts: "This blatant disregard for food safety standards is both alarming and unacceptable. As parents, we entrust our children's care to the school district, and it is disheartening to see that this trust has been compromised."

As the investigation continues, the school district is calling on the families of potentially ill children to contact staff to assist in the process.