In what could be the climax of a crime drama but instead unfolded in the mundane light of the real world, a cop-and-suspect chase scene took place in a courthouse hallway, leading to the arrest of Christopher Lang, a 37-year-old San Leandro resident. According to the Colma Police Department's release, Lang had an active $50,000 felony warrant when Colma Officers spied on him on February 7, at around 2:10 pm, in the San Mateo County Southern Courthouse.
Upon recognizing the officers, Lang pivoted, leading them on a chase down a fire escape stairwell while ignoring their commands to halt. It was thanks to an alert citizen's tip that the police were guided to a restroom where Lang sought temporary refuge in a stall and where, ultimately, his bid for freedom was flushed away. Lang's defiance of the law continued to unspool as officers located a set of vehicle keys during a probationary search, which led them to a stolen vehicle packed with potential evidence that would further thicken the plot against him; these findings included a bag of armor-penetrating bullets and freshly severed catalytic converters.
The charges against Lang have been stacked. He finds himself grappling with accusations of possessing a stolen vehicle, unlawful vehicle commandeering, housing ammunition designed to puncture armor, evading arrest, and his outstanding felony warrant; he has since been ensconced behind bars at the San Mateo County Jail. Lang's past activities and the contents discovered in the stolen vehicle point to a darker and more complex narrative than the simple sum of charges might suggest.